Mount Druitt Public School

Responsible Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9625 9036

Frequently asked questions

Often there are questions that may arise throughout the year concerning your child and there time at Mount Druitt Public School. Below we have offered some answers to frequently asked questions. If these do not answer your queries, please feel free to ask your child's teacher or our friendly office staff.

What do I need to do if my child is going to be absent from school?

After being absent a written explanation is required when the child returns.

We consider regular attendance to be most important, but please keep your child at home if s/he is sick. If there is a need for your child to be collected from school during school hours, parents must sign the absence book located at the office, before collecting your child.

Do I need to do anything if my child is late for school?

On occasions where a late arrival is unavoidable, students are required to inform their classroom teacher when they arrive at school.

Can I take my child away from school before 3.00 pm?

Please arrange to collect your child from school - even senior students - if they must leave school for an appointment (e.g. the dentist). If you are picking your child up early from school, you must inform the office and fill out a yellow slip. This is a safety policy to protect your child.

Can my child buy lunch at the school?

Our canteen has a wide variety of meals for you to choose from.  The canteen is open 5 days. Lunch orders are to be placed at the Canteen on arrival at school. Paper bags are provided to write the lunch order.

How do I arrange for a meeting with my child's class teacher?

Teachers are available for meetings with parents at mutually convenient times. Please arrange meetings beforehand by speaking to your child's teacher if there are any issues you wish to discuss.

Does the school provide Scripture lessons?

Members of various religious organisations, not teachers conduct Scripture lessons each Wednesday morning. All children are encouraged to participate in these classes which are conducted by visiting scripture teachers. The teaching staff supervises children who do not attend scripture as well as being present during other scripture classes. Parents nominate the religious group they wish their child to attend. Changes to scripture nomination should be made in writing.

At Mount Druitt Public School we currently offer the following scripture classes:

  • Catholic, Combined Christian, Islamic and non Scripture
  • If I change my contact details do I need to inform the school?
  • It is essential that you inform the office and the class teacher of any change of contact details relating to your child. This included mobile numbers, emergency contacts and home addresses. This is particularly important in case of sickness or accident.

Does my child have to wear a hat?

At Mount Druitt Public School we have provided the children with many shaded areas to protect them from the sun. We do recommend that they come to school with a hat and wearing sunscreen to protect them further. Hats are available for sale at the P & C uniform store.

Does my child have to go on school excursions or attend performances?

Excursions are planned to enrich the learning experience and all children are encouraged to participate.  For all excursions including sport, for which students leave the school, permission notes are required. Spare note may be found in the front office. All notes and money for excursions and performances must be in by the DUE DATE as this assists in organisation.